Sunday, August 17, 2014

8/16/2014 Investigation

So, I thought I would do a little experiment and use the Ghost Adventures show and Zak Bagans voice.   Since they have said the spirits don't like them I thought maybe if I did an investigation while one of the shows were on and see what happens.

I started by sitting on the couch watching Ghost Adventures with the Ghost Radar app on my iPhone on and it was giving some pretty good words.  Stronger, Element.  Well, with that I got the video camera and figured I'd tape these words.  As soon as I started taping the word was Feed and I told the spirits they could not feed on me, sure enough my video went dead, it was a fully charged battery and in less than a second it was black.

I took the camera and iPhone into my office and started again after plugging the camera into the charger (video here ).

Photo of burn mark available.

There wasn't a whole lot of activity so I tried getting a little more aggressive by telling the spirits to knock, what's wrong, you're being rude.......the last word for the night, when I said show me you're here was, Fine!

I felt a very cold feeling go down my left side, from the shoulder to the knee, the hair was standing on end then suddenly it felt like someone touched my left elbow with a live electrical wire, over and over.  Pretty sure the spirit thought that was funny because as soon as I said stop, it did. 

I feel like I got run over by a bus this morning and it's weird that with the small amount of energy from the video camera battery that a spirit can do that or was it drawing energy from other things in the room.

I know it looks funny and I laughed afterward but it really felt painful.

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