Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A Soul Session

Now right off the bat I'm gonna say, a soul session is ONLY for those who are highly interested and knowledgeable about the paranormal.  Those who have tried and failed to experience it on the higher levels.

It can hurt, it can scar you and it can feel like the spirits are messing with you BUT.....that is the purpose.  It is to teach you how to tell the difference between a spirit simply trying to touch you or trying to jump you.

It is meant to teach you how to safely call the spirits and how to dispel the spirits and how to protect yourself from the evil entities.

There are very few sensitives who will or who are even willing to assist in this, I'm one...of course. I rarely assist in a soul session unless I have a sincere belief the person asking me for the assistance is willing to go the whole nine yards because it is not, NOT an easy process.

Soul sessions will help keep you from breaking, emotionally.  They teach you how to combat the spirits energy but how to use yours to help them.  It is a draining weekend, you will be mentally forced to deal with the dark, negative, emotional things that are deep within you and/or the dark things that follow you.

I will say right now before anyone tried to contact me to do this.  It is NOT done over the internet, phone, Skype, e-mail.  It is done in person, I do not charge and before you even think about doing this you need to be mentally & emotionally ready to deal with your shit and let go of all of it.

You can have the dark and the light if you are willing.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Let's Get Electrocuted..

Ok, so maybe not literally electrocuted.  I'm often asked what it feels like when a spirit is around.

The only way I can explain it is, the room feels like it's got an electrostatic charge running through it.
If you walk into a room and hold your hand out you can feel the energy, or should be able to if the spirit(s) is active at the time.

Now, there are ways to charge a room if you aren't getting anything.  Lemon water, certain crystals can charge the energy.  Just like batteries and electronic devices get sapped but the lemon water provides the spirit clarity.  The water you use is also important, you should use distilled water but I have turned to using Ionized water which has been working wonders.

If you are a sensitive you will be able to feel the change in the room.  It should feel like the room has become a giant battery but the air in the room feels like it's become humid, not hot humid but bone chilling cold humid.  If you have never experienced this, you'll understand when you do.

You have to be careful because I have heard of instances where the sensitive has felt they were actually electrocuted.  What happens is the amount of energy you produce is going to flow through you as well as give any spirit(s) the energy they need to communicate better but you are a living, breathing human made up of mostly water, and what happens when you stand in a puddle of water and grab ahold of anything electrical?

Yep, a big ol' zap.

You should always wear rubber soled shoes and have others with you just in case.  Not only do you not know what you will pull into the location but you don't know what it's capable of with the energy.

Can this be done outside as well?  Yes, it can be it just has to be a very defined space.

I do not and never recommend anyone doing this without the proper tools and knowledge.  It takes a lot of meditation training, set-up and the proper mixtures but you must also have the proper defenses, to defend against anything you call, because plain and simple this is spirit calling.


Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sex and the Single Ghost

Ok, so now you're laying in bed one night and suddenly you feel a hand on your leg, it slowly moves up.   You know the house is locked up tighter than a drum so there is no one inside.  The phrase, What the hell may ring through.  You kick your foot to push it away, maybe it's the cat.  Oh, wait, I don't have a cat........and you find yourself in the throws of ecstasy.


"is a fetish that is classified as the paraphilia in which one is attracted to ghosts or spirits. One may be aroused by reflections or images in a mirror. Often those with the spectrophilia fetish masturbate against mirrors. Spectrophiliacs fantasize about ghosts and often imagine scenarios involving sexual events between themselves or others and spirits."

Oooooookay, after your not so exhaustive google search you think you're going cray cray right?

Maybe not, what if spirits can garner enough energy to have sex with the living.

Zak Bagans tried to get the spirit of Jerusha Howe to have sex with him but his advances were spurred. Although he swears he had some type of erotic experience that left him feeling, well, like he had sex, so....

What makes people believe they are having sex with the dead?  There have been accounts of this as far back as Arabic, Greek and even Hindu times. There are documented stories of spirits having sexual relations with the living.  I do have to point out, again, back in the day some smoked some pretty heavy stuff so.....could these accounts be hallucinations, Erotic Dreams, Wishes, plain masturbation fantasy?

It's been said that sex with a spirit feels like a pure, loving environment. Something that totally transforms the room.  The feelings is illusory, like totally giving yourself, total relaxation.
Could you be masterbating in your sleep?

I have witnessed individuals who can, while in a deep state of meditation achive orgasam without ever touching themselves.  It is quite the show and rather interesting, is this sex with a spirit?

There are so many questions about this area of ghost hunting I'm not sure there will ever be definitive proof that a living person has had actual sex with a ghost.

The mind is a powerful place, no one really knows what goes on when one sleeps. And although Spectrophilia has/is discussed in paranormal circles there is currently no evidence it actually has ever happened, and although there are YouTube videos showing it, one can never be absolutely sure what's really going on.

It's an interesting avenue of study/investigation but how do you investigate it.  Set up cameras and have the living sleep naked with no blankets?

Sex and the single ghost is sure to travel through history as a myth, unless The Ghost Adventures Crew returns to Longfellow’s Wayside Inn in Sudbury and Room Number 9.

Sometimes Demons Give You Lemons

I've had people always ask, How do you deal with all the demons?

Ok, well to be honest a real demon probably could kick my ass but.....If I'm paying attention I'd know he/she/it was either coming or there.

The funny thing about Ghost Hunting is, you have to have some sort of knowledge of real paranormal activity, and I'm not talking about the movies.  I'm talking about it's history, and yes there is a long history of Spirit talkers, spirit callers, demons, etc....long before the bible made them a hot item.

The bible created God and Satan before that there was only those  Gods that made the day and or night, those gods who helped make children, find love, grow crops, made it rain to fill the rivers.  You prayed to the god for which you wanted something from. 

Now, I'm not saying the Ancient worshippers didn't know there where bad gods.  God who would do your bidding (we call them demons).  If you wanted a lover and another had him, you'd make an offering.  Maybe the "God" liked what you offered and make it happen, that was the belief.  such an easy belief system.

Then came the Romans, who by the way had their moment in the sun of many gods as well.  But to gain control of the masses of many counties they had to come up with a plan and that plan was what Akhenaten had tried, to unify the masses under one God, The Sun God Ra.  For him it didn't work so well.  Maybe because he didn't have the catch, your soul will burn in everlasting hell. Of course the occasional fire pit, public hanging, public chopping off of heads. All made public to instill fear.

Now I'm not saying you shouldn't fear criminals, murderers etc....but they aren't demons.

Demons are dark entities who have been around for a very long time and a true demon can kill you.  They kill you by wearing you down, taking your energy.  They can make you see, hear, experience things and make you feel like it was all a dream.  Can they make you do things, probably given the right circumstances and the right amount of persuasion on your part.

I've had a demon offer me things, hell I always joke that I have a condo in hell but I've earned the A/C and lava pit view. LOL  Ok, to some that may not be so funny but until you face down a true demon don't get your panties in such a bunch.  I know he follows me around, waiting for the opportunity.  My job is to never give him that opportunity and the day I die to smirk at him and pass away.  Never giving him the satisfaction of my energy.

I've learned through my travels and study to fend them off.  Not that I don't listen to what they have to say, because like I've said before, every spirit has a story.  When a demon makes itself known how do you tell if it's a true demon?

Ask it a very simple question, What will you give me?

If you either get now answer or you get the answer, what do you want.  It's not a true demon.  Why, because the true demon will already know what you want and lay that at your feet, for a price. The price will not be to kill another person or animal.  The price will always be YOU!!

The ultimate goal of the demon is to amass energy.  You are energy and the purer the energy the better.  Children are usually their choice.  Mainly because children can see them, and they have not been corrupted by the world at large yet. 

I can tell you, I used to think that going to church all the time, reading the bible all that would make it go away.  All the demon did was laugh because demons are far more primal then the bible, then the church and that makes them more powerful. 

Some might ask, what about an exorcism.  Well, there are only a few that can perform a real exorcism and an exorcism has  lot to do with your belief system.  Think about it, the exorcism is purely based in christen/catholic religion something that hasn't been around that long in the grand scheme of things.  Demons have been around a whole hell of a lot longer.  In order to deal with true demons you MUST go farther back.  You have to deal with the entity on a primal level and be willing to get dirty. 

But, true demons, and I have to say this again, are very few and far between.  They usually like to go after those who are sensitive and can speak to spirits, why, because the spirit energy is drawn to the sensitive.  The demon would have all the juice it needs, you need to figure out how to dispel the juice before the demon can drink it.  I say make lemonade.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Seeing Spirits

Some children see spirits.  Most parents think it's just a faze, they'll grow out of seeing monters in the closet or under the bed.

What if your child sees spirits because they can help the dead move on? 

Children tend to see spirits more than adults because they are open to questioning what they see.  Adults rarely question, a shadow is just that, a shadow.  There is no way it can be a ghost/spirit or even a demon.

If your child is talking to "people" you don't see ask questions.  Like this parent have them draw what they are seeing and how they see the "person".  How do you approach the questions and what do you ask?

1.  Approach the child believing they ARE seeing something.

2. Ask the child, what's your friend's name?

3. Ask, What does your friend look like?

4. Ask, you child to draw their friend for you.

Don't ever tell your child they have a problem, that they aren't seeing it.  Be supportive of the process they could very well be a sensitive and are being visited for a reason.  Sure, that monster under the bed could just be a stuffed animal/toy that fell under there but don't make it bigger than it is and don't try to write it off by trying to convince them they aren't seeing it.

You can also try to find a sensitive who can come to the house and assist in finding out what may be going on.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

30 traits of an Empath

Just thought I would share this list.  It is important to realize if you are an Empath or a Sensitive. Now, most sensitives start out as empathic and there are any number of sensitives who are both.  I am both and it about drove me insane as a teenager.  When empatic turns into also sensitive it can get rough to deal not only with the livings feelings but the dead as well.  You have to learn if you are picking up the livings feelings or the dead's energy.

1. Knowing: Empaths just know stuff, without being told. It’s a knowing that goes way beyond intuition or gut feelings, even though that how many would describe the knowing. The more attuned they are the stronger this gift becomes.

2. Being in public places can be overwhelming: Places like shopping malls, supermarkets or stadiums where there are lots of people around can fill the empath with turbulently vexed emotions that are coming from others.

3. Feeling others emotions and taking them on as your own: This is a huge one for empaths. To some they will feel emotions off those near by and with others they will feel emotions from those a vast distance away, or both. The more adept empath will know if someone is having bad thoughts about them, even from great distance.

4. Watching violence, cruelty or tragedy on the TV is unbearable: The more attuned an empath becomes the worse it is and may make it so they eventually have to stop watching TV and reading newspapers altogether.

5. You know when someone is not being honest: If a friend or a loved one is telling you lies you know it (although many empaths try not to focus on this because knowing a loved one is lying can be painful). Or if someone is saying one thing but feeling/thinking another, you know.

6. Picking up physical symptoms off another: An empath will almost always develop the ailments off another (colds, eye infections, body aches and pains) especially those they’re closest to, somewhat like sympathy pains.

7. Digestive disorders and lower back problems: The solar plexus chakra is based in the centre of the abdomen and it’s known as the seat of emotions. This is where empaths feel the incoming emotion of another, which can weaken the area and eventually lead to anything from stomach ulcers to IBS (too many other conditions to list here). Lower back problems can develop from being ungrounded (amongst other things) and one, who has no knowledge of them being an empath, will almost always be ungrounded.

8. Always looking out for the underdog: Anyone whose suffering, in emotional pain or being bullied draws an empath’s attention and compassion.

9. Others will want to offload their problems on you, even strangers: An empath can become a dumping ground for everyone else’s issues and problems, which, if they’re not careful can end up as their own.

10. Constant fatigue: Empaths often get drained of energy, either from energy vampires or just taking on too much from others, which even sleep will not cure. Many get diagnosed with ME.

11. Addictive personality: Alcohol, drugs, sex, are to name but a few addictions that empaths turn to, to block out the emotions of others. It is a form of self protection in order to hide from someone or something.

12. Drawn to healing, holistic therapies and all things metaphysical: Although many empaths would love to heal others they can end up turning away from being healers (even though they have a natural ability for it), after they’ve studied and qualified, because they take on too much from the one they are trying to heal. Especially if they are unaware of their empathy. Anything of a supernatural nature is of interest to empaths and they don’t surprise or get shocked easily. Even at the revelation of what many others would consider unthinkable, for example, empaths would have known the world was round when others believed it was flat.

13. Creative: From singing, dancing, acting, drawing or writing an empath will have a strong creative streak and a vivid imagination.

14. Love of nature and animals: Being outdoors in nature is a must for empaths and pets are an essential part of their life.

15. Need for solitude: An empath will go stir-crazy if they don’t get quiet time. This is even obvious in empathic children.

16. Gets bored or distracted easily if not stimulated: Work, school and home life has to be kept interesting for an empath or they switch off from it and end up daydreaming or doodling.

17. Finds it impossible to do things they don’t enjoy: As above. Feels like they are living a lie by doing so. To force an empath to do something they dislike through guilt or labelling them as idle will only serve in making them unhappy. It’s for this reason many empaths get labelled as being lazy.

18. Strives for the truth: This becomes more prevalent when an empath discovers his/her gifts and birthright. Anything untruthful feels plain wrong.

19. Always looking for the answers and knowledge: To have unanswered questions can be frustrating for an empath and they will endeavour to find an explanation. If they have a knowing about something they will look for confirmation. The downside to this is an information overload.

20. Likes adventure, freedom and travel: Empaths are free spirits.

21. Abhors clutter: It makes an empath feel weighed down and blocks the flow of energy.

22. Loves to daydream: An empath can stare into space for hours, in a world of their own and blissfully happy.

23. Finds routine, rules or control, imprisoning: Anything that takes away their freedom is debilitating to an empath even poisoning.

24. Prone to carry weight without necessarily overeating: The excess weight is a form of protection to stop the negative incoming energies having as much impact.

25. Excellent listener: An empath won’t talk about themselves much unless it’s to someone they really trust. They love to learn and know about others and genuinely care.

26. Intolerance to narcissism: Although kind and often very tolerant of others, empaths do not like to be around overly egotistical people, who put themselves first and refuse to consider another’s feelings or points of view other than their own.

27. The ability to feel the days of the week: An empath will get the ‘Friday Feeling’ if they work Fridays or not. They pick up on how the collective are feeling. The first couple of days of a long, bank holiday weekend (Easter for example) can feel, to them, like the world is smiling, calm and relaxed. Sunday evenings, Mondays and Tuesdays, of a working week, have a very heavy feeling.

28. Will not choose to buy antiques, vintage or second-hand: Anything that’s been pre-owned carries the energy of the previous owner. An empath will even prefer to have a brand new car or house (if they are in the financial situation to do so) with no residual energy.

29. Sense the energy of food: Many empaths don’t like to eat meat or poultry because they can feel the vibrations of the animal (especially if the animal suffered), even if they like the taste.

30. Can appear moody, shy, aloof, disconnected: Depending on how an empath is feeling will depend on what face they show to the world. They can be prone to mood swings and if they’ve taken on too much negative will appear quiet and unsociable, even miserable. An empath detests having to pretend to be happy when they’re sad, this only adds to their load (makes working in the service industry, when it’s service with a smile, very challenging) and can make them feel like scuttling under a stone.
If you can say yes to most or all of the above then you are most definitely an empathy
Empaths are having a particularly difficult time at the present time, picking up on all the negative emotions that are being emantated into the world from the populace.


Friday, July 18, 2014

Possession is the word...

So, everyone that gets nasty, rude, mean spirited is possessed right?


Sometimes people are just assholes or looking for an excuse for the bad things they do.  There are times when someone might, MIGHT be possessed but a true possession is very few and far between.  There are levels leading up to possession, all variables must be in place, meaning, the person who is truly possessed must be in the right frame of mind/body or they went out of their way to get possessed (which even that's a long shot at best).

Contrary to popular belief Satan does not have the time to go around possessing everyone who claims to be possessed and there are far fewer true demons than most think.   You have to remember back in the days that most of the accounts it was common to do some pretty heavy drugs (what we think of as drugs).  There are lesser demons or "worker" demons.

Accounts of Satan & Demons are pretty scary and all accounts can describe really ugly looking people, How would you know what a demon looks like inside a possessed person?

Before we get into someone being actually possessed let's look at the levels of spirits it takes to get to demon, because you don't die and become a demon being a demon has to be earned.

Spirit-Someone who has passed away and their energy remains.

Entity- An Entity is a spirit that has been either stuck on this plane or has been here for quite some time.

Imps-  Imps are a demons handyman.  They are little spirits who have the energy of a small child.  They hop around, steal things, hide things, push, pull.  Generally just annoy you, they can not do any real harm. Imps are not only called by Demons they are also called/created by Witches.  Witches create an Imp in order to bother a living person or to spy on them. Imps are usually quick moving blurs who run back and fourth, usually seen only from the corner of your eye.

Poltergeist- A poltergeist is something totally created by a living person. The energy is created by someone who is either very upset/stressed or a sensitive who has not really learned to control their gift.  Also, mentally challenged/handicapped children are prone to create poltergeist activity.  More so if they are non-verbal. People who have had a stroke and are not able to verbalize any longer can create poltergeist activity.  Poltergeist activity usually manifests like lighting or electrical charges. It usually affects electrical items in the house or is seen as bright flashes of light.

Attachments- Attachments are spirits who have gained the energy to follow you around.  They aren't constantly near you.  A sensitive can feel this energy when the spirit "arrives".  It can be a smooth, slow rising of the normal energy in the room to a strong burst that feels like someone punched you. There can be demon attachments but demons get bored with the living usually pretty quick.

Lesser or "Worker" Demons-  These are demons who have the energy to effect the living.  These lesser demons are the ones doing the actual work, finding those to possess, helping create opportunity.

Possession A-  A possession is NOT always by a demon.  A normal spirit can possess a living person.  It doesn't happen as often as TV would like you to believe because most horrible acts are still mostly committed by the living.  There are spirits who loved living so much that when they pass away they either do not understand or they just want to continue and have garnered enough energy to, at a low moment, over take a living person.  Displacing the livings own soul, not removing it but displacing it inside it's own body.   Displacement is usually done by a spirit NOT a demon.

Soul Displacement-  Have you ever known a person for a long time and suddenly that person changes, does a complete 180.  That could be soul displacement and that usually happens at the time of a horrible accident where the person should have died but didn't.  Whenever a person has had an experience where they should have died and didn't but is not behaving like they did before, Displacement should be looked at.  The person's soul is still intacted it's just "moved over". A sensitive can help find out who has displaced the person and assist in removing the spirit, it's finding out who the spirit is that's sometimes rough.

Possession B- A B type possession is something that is not very common, B Type is when a living person actually gets the attention of a demon.  Demons are looking for strong willed/minded living.  They also take control when the living is at the lowest point, when you are mentally/physically drained.  Unable to defend yourself from any sort of attack/possession.

When people talk about demonic activity it's usually an imp.  Imps are capable of creating "static" in the area.  The static disjoints you, makes you feel light headed or off balance. As stated above, Imps are handymen, they are created by either a true demon or witch to do their biding, which is almost always to annoy.

A true demon doesn't waste time on most of the living and I firmly believe true demonic activity can/is usually turns out to be some other form of activity.  Doing things like Ouija board, casting stones, spells and calling the spirits can open portals, usually not portals to hell but portals for something to enter.  Think of it as opening a door and a gust of wind slams it shut.  Once you open that door you better know how to pull it open again.

Spirit calling is something that is very dangerous.  There are several lower level demons that can do harm.  Calling demons (or spirits) is something you never want to do.  It's not all fun and games, when that demon or spirit appears you better have a game plan because if for a second that demon or spirit thinks you are wasting it's time you're toast.  You have allowed that demon to get the upper hand and in spirit calling YOU have to be strong enough to remain in charge until that demon or spirit has done what you ask and you banish it back.  It's not a funny party trick, you can get hurt and so can others.

You can NEVER call a spirit/demon and leave it to roam.  Shaman/Witches/A Sensitive who can call spirits ONLY call them to answer questions.  Who, What, When, Why.  Once you receive the information you are asking for you must release the spirit back to where you called it from and this is a very dangerous process.  You never do it alone, you never try to arouse someone doing a calling and you never leave the person alone.

In general I tell people to NEVER try spirit calling.  If a demon sees the opportunity they just may take it.
Still the true demon is few and far between.  Most supposed demon activity can be drawn down to something else going on.  I've had paranormal investigators ask me what I think and there are many varibles, and many questions you must ask, demonic activity should always be looked at as a last resort.

If you think you have a demon, document what is going on, get pictures, video, write it out.  Make sure to include dates so an investigator can correlate to full moons or other possible things going on.  Be honest, if you were using a Oujia or some other casting device or if you were trying to call something tell what you were doing.  Be as descriptive as possible because if someone has to go in to clean up your mess they will need to know every step you took, kind of like walking through a mind field, you always want to step in the person's footsteps before you, unless they end then you're on your own, if the footprints end something blew up.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Should I or Shouldn't I

Standing outside that door that is always the question.  Should I enter or should I run.

Personally, for me I go inside.  Like that boogyman in the closet I open the door because I'm curious, I want to know if there is a boogyman and if so what exactly he/she is.

Do I poke at it, you bet your ass I do, to a point.

I'm often asked, what's it feel like, a demon.  The way I explain it is, it feels like someone has shoved their hand into your stomach, right in the center and starts twisting, slowly, like they are tying a knot.  The more you ingore it the worse it gets.  Sometimes you might get a wicked headache and nausea, that's when I usually bring out the sage water to get it to back off.  I've been made aware you're there now stop!!

As scared as I have ever been, and there have been a few times.  Like when I bungee jumped off a steel bridge or took a hitch hiking trip from Arizona to New York with my cousin (dumb idea).
The paranormal stuff has never really scared me. A couple times, like Bobby Mackey's I thought I might die the pain was so overwhelming and bad. 

I do think the pain, sadness, grief I experienced at Bobby Mackey's was from the deaths that occurred there. It was more than likely the spirit making me feel it, I can't see the demon that resides there doing that but the spirit of the dead, yes.  I never made it inside.

Would I go back, sure if I had an army of ghost hunters and lots of black onyx, salt and sage. Just in case.

I don't think kids make up the boogyman, I think they are honestly seeing something in the closet or under the bed and why parents try to convince children there is nothing there is beyond me.  If I had kids I would show them I was getting rid of it not just ignoring it.   No boogyman but there is a tooth fairy, easter bunny, santa.......

If you live your life never opening the door because you might find something scary you will never know what's there, never fight off your fears and you'll never get rid of the boogyman in the closet, just jump off the bridge, it doesn't have to be a swan dive.

How do I cope...

I get asked that all the time, How do I cope with all the shit a muck and negative.

I'll be honest. some days I don't I just ignore it and it piles up until I have to do a cleansing. 
I do try to not let negative things creep in and sometimes it's not possible, look at the world we live in.

Constantly getting assaulted by spirits is rough. You don't learn how to deal with them overnight.  It's a years long process.  I'm pretty sure there has never been a sensitive who at the age of three said, I can deal.

The darkness is a very dangerous place.  There are things that lurk there no child should ever be exposed to.  And I'm not talking about the hours between dusk and sunrise, although those can be pretty hairy.

Demons and the Dark forces that revolve in the spirit world go from plain weird to downright scary.  My first encounter with a demon was scary, I know now probably because I wasn't ready for it and never expected it, Now I hunt them.

I in no way think I'm a Demon Ninja or anything but I've learned how (I hope) to steel myself against them.

I like that, a Demon Ninja. 

I have my days where my attitude is one of, DO NOT touch me.  I might snap, be rude but in all fairness it's because I was inundated while I was sleeping.  Some nights I'm visited by hundreds of spirits, most of whom I never recall, some who try to stay.

I have taken to putting some of what I've learned into practice.  I sage my house monthly. I put a ring of Kosher salt around the outside and when I moved into the new house I'm pretty sure the neighbors thought, "Great some California weirdos" LOL  I also have crystals hanging throughout the house, in front of each doorway.  A mirror above the front door, and I've seen spirits walk up to the door and vanish.  I place my sage ash at the door.

Now, this is something everyone wonders.  I do place crushed brick at the doorway, it's a voodoo thing I was told to do by a VooDoo priestess in Haiti to keep my enemies away and out of my house but I also place the ash from the sage I use to clean the house.  You place the ash right on the door frame and it keeps those who seek to do harm out of the house, it works. There is one specific person I want to keep out of my house, that person has not come near since I've been doing it.

I've learned you chose to be dark or you chose to be light.  Those of us who are sensitive move between, I always joke, What is normal.  For sensitives it's no joke, sometimes we have to take a step way back and re-evaluate to be sure it's a normal day, because what's normal for you may not be for us and that's how I cope.

I'm over my days as a wannabe member of The Cure (yep, powdered face and all), I'm not going to allow the demon(s) to use me, touch me....I'm a Demon Ninja and my weapon of choice is light.
I may still have my days but I work through the dark as much as I can because like they say, that light at the end of the tunnel is just another train and I'm gonna use the light to chase away the demons.

It's not a safe place to be in darkness all the time, you have to balance the two and you have to learn to say NO!!  Saying no to a demon might piss it off and that's why you always have to be ready for a fight, ready to get into the muck.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Saying Goodbye

The title probably would lead one to think I was taking about a living person, I'm not.

As a sensitive it is extremely hard to say goodbye to those living souls we now and love. It is also difficult to say goodbye to the spirits who ask for help.

Later in life I remembered that solider in the Philippines, he asked to go home.  At four I didn't understand and I had no clue how to send him "home".  Was he talking about heaven or was he talking about his earth home?

I never knew but some years later I saw him again, in a meditation. It was kind of scary because I felt it was an omen of bad things to come or something.  In the same green uniform he appeared, smiled and mouthed the words, Thank You.

To this day I have NO idea what I did or how I did it.  I've been told it was done through the deep meditation I was in with the help of a Native American Shaman(and boy those can get deep).

Do I still meditate, you bet, everyday. Five minutes in the morning while still laying in bed and ten to thirty minutes every night before going to sleep, it help shut off my mind because you see as a sensitive there is nothing but constant static.  Like someone tuning a portable radio in your head and every once in awhile you'll hear either a tiny voice or if you're lucky you'll hear a booming voice.

Can I have conversations?  I have yes, no one else can hear the conversation and I'm sure anyone sitting in the other room would pronounce me crazy. But I have and do talk to them.  There are those who want to go home, who want to leave, want answers, ask you questions.  It's a weird thing to see and it does look crazy, I've had myself tested.

For a couple of years I was able to turn it off or more so tune it out and I do at various times tune them out. It makes some very angry and I've used that in investigations to elicit a response. Because if they know I can hear/talk to them and I ignore them watch them get mad.  I've been brusied on my legs, arms and back from spirits who get pissed off because they want something and I refuse. I've been scratched and have scars.  I don't recommend ignoring spirits if they want to talk but sometimes they like to play games so....

Saying goodbye to the spirits is hard but in the end would you want to be trapped somewhere.  But I think a question is, when releasing a spirit we have to wonder where are they going.  Like that movie Flatliners (that was one fu*ked up movie).  What happens when you die and that is what all paranormal investigators want to know.  Is there a heaven and a hell?
I had to share this poem by Sean Stone.  It's beautiful and very thought provoking.  Thank You so much for sharing.

"To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour....

A Robin Redbreast in a Cage
Puts all Heaven in a Rage.
A dove house fill’d with doves and pigeons
Shudders Hell thro’ all its regions.
A Dog starv’d at his Master’s Gate
Predicts the ruin of the State.
 A Horse misus’d upon the Road
Calls to Heaven for Human blood.
Each outcry of the hunted Hare
A fiber from the Brain does tear.

He who shall train the Horse to War
Shall never pass the Polar Bar.
The Beggar’s Dog and Widow’s Cat,
Feed them and thou wilt grow fat.
The Gnat that sings his Summer song
Poison gets from Slander’s tongue.
The poison of the Snake and Newt
Is the sweat of Envy’s Foot.

A truth that’s told with bad intent
Beats all the Lies you can invent.
It is right it should be so;
Man was made for Joy and Woe;
And when this we rightly know
Thro’ the World we safely go.

Every Night and every Morn
Some to Misery are Born.
Every Morn and every Night
Some are Born to sweet delight.
Some are Born to sweet delight,
Some are Born to Endless Night. "

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Highs and The Lows

The paranormal is a dangerous place for those who might have problems with reality.  I always tell people if you take any kind of medications for depression never become a ghost hunter.

That statement might piss some off but it's true.  If you are constantly dealing with spirits of the dead, think about the amount of energy, good, bad and ugly. It takes a toll on your mental state and there is no, I don't want it to option.

Some spirits are confused, depressed, have no understanding, don't know they are dead and some are just piss off that they are dead or just plain pissed off.

The pissed off ones can make you aggressive, mad, and a down right nasty person where you might normally always be Mr. Sunshine.

The confused, depressed ones are dangerous because again, the energy can effect you. You could very well take on the feelings of the spirit and that is not always an attachment. Example, if the spirit killed themselves and you have a sudden urge to harm yourself, what just happened?  As a sensitive you have to be able to gage what might happen before it does, you need to stop that train speeding toward you because if it hits you, that's it.

Having studied Psychology as part of parapsychology courses you learn about the effects medications have on the brain/emotions.  Sometimes I wonder if someone who has had a change might not be under the influence of a spirit.

I am NOT saying anyone with mental health issues are under the influence of spirits!!!

But what I am saying is that it should be something Psychologists/Investigators ask anyone wanting to join a team.  They need to discuss this issue with patients, ask if they are involved in paranormal research.  It wouldn't hurt. As an investigative team, the members need to have close contact and talk often and mention any changes they notice.

I have on many occasion switched.  I'm normally that person everyone wonders how I can be so god damn happy and sunny.  I've had my times when I wasn't but I worked through them.

I've had times when I knew it was an entity using my energy to tell me about their feelings. 

I always explain being a spirit is like if you tried to touch a table and your hand went through it, how would you feel?  Confused, Upset, Frustrated.  This is how a spirit feels when it is trying to get your attention.  Like a boxer, you keep punching at it until you land a solid shot.  Sometimes that shot is thrown and it lands square in your stomach or it misses all together.

I rather like what The Ghost Adventures Crew did on one show.  They brought in this large box like thing that gave off enormous energy bursts.  Why not give them a power source.  I did have to leave the room after a few minutes because it gave me such a horrid headache but I could see what they were trying to do, and this won't really matter, but kudos.

I do enjoy Ghost Adventures but I won't pick one Ghost hunting show over another, they all have their own style and they get their own kind of results since I believe they are all looking for entirely different reasons.

I am still a skeptic and I'm not, if that makes sense.  I tend to look at photos not to find a spirit or listen to an EVP and not hear what you say it is, I don't want you to tell me. I'm very hard on the convince me part, I want you to convince me and not with a big show, convince me with your actual evidence. Your feelings, your gut reactions.  Your body really is your tool in hunting spirits, if you listen. 

Using your body as an investigative tool is what makes the low days low and the high days high and the normal days, well, kind of strange because you start wondering if it's normal.  I try for a sunny day every day.  Negative energy is the enemy, the negative is what demons feed on.

Getting to Know Me

When people meet me they have questions so for anyone that is wondering here are some I'm usually always asked.

Have you ever Practiced VooDoo or Santeria?

     Yes, I have studied VooDoo & Santeria and No I would never practice either. Both are extremely dangerous. Spirit calling is also dangerous but you can do it with lots of practice and teachings.

Do you really use crystals, oils etc..?

     Yes, I am a believer that stones, crystals, oils, certain sprays and sage work for and against spirit activity.  I've seen/experienced it.

Do you really belong to The Church Of Satan?

     Yes, I am a card carrying member of the real Church of Satan, started by Anton LaVey. I'm even friends with his daughter. But No, I have never sacrificed anything to Satan, Never drank blood, never been involved in an orgy and none of my scars are from giving blood to drink and I do not worship Satan.
     BUT...I am a very firm believer that you must know your enemy and if you are going to be throwing stones at entities you better know good from bad and what they are capable of. 

Are you a real Minister?

     Yes, I really am a Non-Denominational Minister, I can even marry people.

Have you ever been to the Vatican or Paris?

     Yes, I have been to the Vatican and thanks to a friend I saw things.  I've also been to the catacombs in Paris and the underground. I even snuck onto Poveglia and found bones. It was during the day, even in daylight the place has insane energy.

Do you have any Ghouls in your family?

     I am a direct decendent of Elizabeth Bathory on my Mom's side, I've even visited the old properties.  But no I am not a Vampire.

     I do believe in Karma and have seen it applied so I try to behave.

Do you have any Tattoos or Piercings?

     No, I do not have any tattoos, but I want one and I only have two piercings.  Two earrings in each ear.

What is your favorite genre?

     I do enjoy Sci-Fi, I did write a script for ST:TNG but.....The question I get all the time, Yes, Kirk over Picard but ST:TNG over the original. I'm also a fan of The original Star Wars Trilogy but none of the prequel stuff.

Being into health and Fitness are you a vegetarian?

     Yes, I did used to be a vegetarian and still am to a point because I hate the smell of meat. I try to cook everything fresh and eat as fresh as I can.

Do you have a past life?

     I've had two past lives but never talk about them, and Yes, one is the reason I hate fire.

How long have you been chasing demons?

     I have been Chasing Demons since I was 14.

Do you ever find yourself sitting in the woods?

     Yes, I go to the woods and let the spirits talk but I hate camping.

What kind of things do you write?

     I do write Sci_Fi novels.  I like writing books more than scripts because I can be as descriptive as I want and the reader gets to find the visual. I sometimes write about the Paranormal but my views can be a little askew from the general population because of my history with the paranormal.

What's the one place you won't go to or refused to go to?

     One of the only places I have ever refused to enter was Bobby Mackey's. I got physically ill before I made it inside. I really thought I was going to die.

Have you ever been really scared?

     Of the Paranormal, no. There are places I'm scared to go without an army. The only thing that ever really scared me was having a stalker. The guy knew everything about me. The LAPD found out he was living in Pakistan so there wasn't much I could do.  I changed all my online IDs and stuff but...I'm generally careful about information online or at least try to be.

Will we ever see you at parties/clubs?

     Not very often, I don't go hang out much anymore. It's the whole people I don't know touching me. I once brought home a spirit.  I guess it was from all the touching at the club and someone had the attachment. I learned my lesson, I have people over but only close friends. But once you know me and I'm comfortable with you it's all good.
What did you major in in college?

     I Majored in Psychology, Criminal Psychology with a minor in Criminology/Police Science.
But I also got degrees in Ancient Cultures & Religions. I thought the History of the various Ancient Cultures would help in Demon study since Demons have been around a lot longer than us.

Are you really Religious?

     No, I believe there is something but a God not really and I believe all religions go back to ancient times when it was used as a way to keep the majority of the population under control.  Can you imagine the kind of world we'd have if there was no guilt for doing bad things and the laws came about as a result of those who had no guilt.

What are your favorite movies/music?

     I love a good, well written horror movie, The old Black & White Dracula gets me every time. But Movies like, Ghost Ship, Skeleton Key, The Lost Boys, The Scream movies, great writing/story telling.  I LOVE Mel Brooks and any guy who gets the references is aces. Sci-Fi stuff and I'm seeing a lot of movies being made from old Omni Magazine short stories which is way cool IF they come out tight and stick to the original.
     TV Shows I tend to gravitate toward comedy, The Big Bang Theory I never miss, Ghost Adventures (love how they have all progressed as investigators), Ghost Hunters, Dead Files, Amy Adams rocks that sh*t, Naked & Afraid sometimes, it's just hilarious. I forgot UFC, I got hooked while on a trip to Thailand and try to catch it whenever I can. It's more then guys hitting each other, it's about winning through skill and domination. Kinda like the paranormal :)

Music, I tend to like 80's & 90's stuff I do listen to techno sometimes, the beat has to be there. Marilyn Manson rocks sometimes but I'm Motley Crew, Kiss loving kinda person. When I have my beats on it's to block out the outside.

Would you ever call a family member who has passed away?

     NO, Never!!!!  Why would I want to drag them back especially if they were at peace.  I've always been told you NEVER call on dead family members because you do not know where they are and dragging them back to this plane can cause pain.  Calling spirits is something you ONLY do with a lot of training with Shaman and those who are very versed in doing so.  It is a scary experience because you never know if you are going to get what you are calling.  It ticks me off when teenagers go into a wicca shop and buy books to cast spells or call the dead and think it's funny, that's like playing with a Ouiji board or calling bloody mary and saying it's just a party trick.

Are you married?

     No, I am single and only because I think I haven't found the guy who can keep up with me. Some nights I get maybe 2-3 hrs sleep and I'm constantly moving.  The paranormal thing is the other reason, most guys can't take the constant barrage and don't understand that I'm not talking to myself.  I've had a few say I'm crazy just because they can't see who I'm talking to LOL

What kind of workout do you do to stay fit?

     I work out at least 3 times a week sometimes more.  I grew up the only girl in a neighborhood full of boys so I learned a lot about lifting weights and stuff.  I found in order to drown out the static I plug in the earbuds and walk or run on the treadmill for an hour then either do circuit training with weight machines or just do a free weight day or pilaties.

What is your Sign?
     LOL I'm a Pisces, the fish

With the spirits talking to you how do you stay sane?

     There was a time when I was younger I really thought I was going crazy, before I understood what was going on.  I talked to people who owned a mystic store in town and they sent me to a shaman. Now there are times when I have to walk around constantly with earbuds & music, even if it's just static it blocks out the spirits ability to get through for some reason.  I guess they haven't figured out how to break through the earbuds :)


An Ax is an Axe, But an Offer...

Growing up in a house where spirits come, a demon lurks and sometimes you just wish you could run away isn't easy.

I found you can't run away, spirits always find you.  Maybe not the same ones but spirits none the less will find you. There were three instances of the demon making an "offer".

A sexual offer, an offer to kill someone, which as it turns out demons don't have hands of their own so.....guess who has to do it for them.  I was laying on the couch one day, my mom was making dinner, brothers off in their room doing something.  This is the day I said I would learn to "push back". I thought I'd learned enough to handle it, boy was I wrong.

Watching some early 80's afternoon comedy there was this voice, "You need an axe".  I looked around thinking one of my brothers where messing around and hiding behind the couch.  Nope, no one there. 

By this time I had gotten used to questioning every voice I heard because there were so many, always whispering, talking, asking.  As I sat looking around, again, in my ear coming from behind me, "You need to get the axe".  I didn't even now if we had an axe much less where it would have been, damn demon.

Now, just to say.  I knew nothing, never heard of Amityville or the horror that went on there, had reall paid attention to the Lizzy Borden house/murder.  I never really paid attention to stuff like that.  I was always into Sci-Fi stuff, paranormal was something I just had to deal with on a daily basis.

I stood up, looking around.  Saw mom in the kitchen like nothing going on.  I looked in on my brothers as they were listening to music, oblivious to me even coming into the hall.  I went and stood in the doorway of the kitchen, looking at my Mom with this weird look on my face (she said).  She asked me what was wrong.  I asked her, "You didn't hear that?.(Something I would always ask her).

She said she hadn't and asked me what I heard.  I told her and she told me to sit down and proceeded to tell me of her own experience being told the exact same thing.  I found a couple years later both my brothers had been told the same thing.  Thankfully none of us ever acted on it.

In my research I came across the Amityville case, The Lizze Borden case, Which I still pretty much ignore because I feel she did it but it was a case of possession.  For some reason the Amityville case jumped out at me and I found/read Hans Holzer's book. And I came across the Bobby Mackey case, which I will discuss later, Bobby Mackey's is, well let's just say I'd need an army to return to.

So my foray into demon chasing had begun.

I never did know if my Dad ever saw or was told anything and that's a whole other thing because I believe that old man who tipped his hat at me that first day, possessed my dad (more on that later). I would really love to sit with the murderer from the Amityville house, hear the story of what really happened from his own mouth.

I didn't win by not doing what the demon wanted.  I still haven't "won" anything.  What I did was question the voice, I questioned the entity and well, they don't really like that.

The next time I got an offer was when my dad was in the hospital for open heart surgery.  I was running on the treadmill and over the sound of music coming from my headphones I heard the entity again.  Needless to say it had gone silent for a number of years so it scared the hell out of me and I almost fell off the treadmill.

The entity asked if there was anything he could do. I'll admit I wasn't in a frame of mind at that point to say anything but I remember thinking (and to this day should regret)and I mean I only thought it...That my dad could live a lot longer.  He did, he should have died on the table but to the doctor's amazement (his words) he didn't. 

NOW...I am not saying the demonic entity had anything to do with that BUT....the general census from all doctors my Dad ever saw after that was, "Reading your chart I thought someone was playing a joke and you were dead".   Never a nice thing to say to a living person but that's what they would say.  He survived twenty-four years.  He made it into several medical journals as a result because they firmly believed he should not have been alive and yes I know that happens every day but.....the kicker..

I had not seen that old man again since the first day moving into the house.  Three days after my father passed away that same old man was standing peering into the kitchen window watching my mother reading at the kitchen table........As soon as I saw him I hugged my mom and told him, eye to eye to go away.  The downright most creepy fu*king thing I have ever done in my life....stare down a demon.

Almost that same night things started attacking my Mom.  Cabinet doors flying opening and hitting her in the head.  Stuff flying from the medicine cabinet at her.  It was all directed toward her, I saw it and not much I could do because it would stop but as soon as I left for work or something it would do it again.  So we moved.....and it wasn't long, because you can run but you can't hide.

I'm a firm beliver in the sh*t hits the fan.

I always say, Please never touch me unless you know me.  It may seem rude or that I'm a bitch but please respect that I don't want what you have and by that I mean anything that might be attached/following you.

Now those who are in the business of Ghost Hunting know this all to well.  Not only can you bring things home from a location but, if you are a sensitive you can transfer them from people who touch you. 

I found out at the ripe old age of twelve not to shake hands or hug people you don't know and I learned it the hard way.  Now I'm not saying I never shake hands or hug people because I do, I really have no personal space if I know you.  But when you first walk up on me I am standoffish and I may seem like I'm in a fog.  I have gone to these Ghost Hunting expeditions with people like Jason Hawes or Zak Bagans and Nick Groff and I always stay in the back.  No matter how much I want to I have never introduced myself or met them, taken photos with them (because that would mean touching), just the way it is, I've tried to become numb to being touched and it never works. I usually end up on my own, following something.

I got my ability from my dying great grandmother.  I know this because while she lay in the hospital dying my mother allowed her to touch her pregnant belly, something my mother says she insisted on doing.  I firmly believe the old woman knew what she was doing, she passed a couple days later.

Please do not attack me for what I am about to say. I've had my dealings with demons, still do and what I say is what I've found through studying, spirit work and confrontation. It's fine if you do not agree with it but do the work before you say it's not true.

So, what does a teenager do when the demon makes itself known?  I never recommend pushing back unless you have a firm grasp on reality because demons have the power to alter what reality is.  Now, there are many demon underlings who have certain powers granted them in order to do their work.  These are usually what the living deal with.  They can attach themselves to the living, they hitchhike.  You may only be the vehicle not the destination.

My first experience with a demon came while in the San Diego house.  My brothers had set up a small workout space in their room and they and their friends would spend time working out every day. 

One day my little brother was doing a little morning weightlifting.  I was in the bathroom and my mom and other brother where in the kitchen.  Suddenly we hear my little brother screaming, help, help.

We all ran into the bedroom and there, my little brother was laying on the bench.  The weights and bar being physically pushed down onto his chest.  He couldn't push it and it took all three of us to pull it off him.  Months later I would hear of what was doing the pushing.  Years later I would find out, that wasn't the first or last time something like that happened.

The demon I experienced is still around. Looking at me from time to time.  His red eyes glaring at me, his voice offering something he thinks I want. Saying he'll do my bidding and get it. 

The first time I was laying in bed asleep when I felt like someone had put a heavy weight down on my legs.  I couldn't move, I tried to kick whatever it was off (we didn't have a cat & the dogs slept w/mom and dad).  I felt a hand move up my leg and something ask if this was what I wanted.

HELL NO!!!!  I remember yelling, but no words came out.  I turned my head and saw hooded glowing red eyes.  Now I know some will say bull sh*t but I took a lie detector test just to prove to myself I wasn't crazy because, come on.

The touching got more forceful and I remembered that demons kind of hate bible versus so I started reciting the lord's prayer. That thing's hand flew off me like yours will when you touch a hot flame.  I sat bolt upright, eye to eye with darkness and that time I won, it vanished.

Now, the lord's prayer I found only makes the demon leave for a time, they aren't by any means gone.  Kind of like in hibernation, waiting for the next chance to strike.  And that friends is when the sh*t hits the fan.

Something pulled out all the stops in the house, even when I was at the mall I would see the dead and it was not pretty.  I really started thinking I was going insane.  I went to a psychologist and asked specific questions about spirits and the like.  After many visits he concluded I wasn't insane but he did give me the name of a shaman I needed to talk to, thus began the parade of people I had over to the house, all of whom by the way never stayed more than an hour, never helped in anyway other than to piss off the demon/spirits and one ( I will not name) had to leave b/c there were too many and even a satanic practioner made it up the drive and left telling us we needed to get out.

Some days I think, I feel lucky I've made it this far.  My little brother ended up killing himself, telling my mom it was because he couldn't take the demon anymore.  My other brother likes to kill things so we just try to stay away from him because when someone tells you, I go hunting because it's illegal to kill people..........well, you just kind of never piss him off.

New House New World-Not So Attractive World

So you think you can tame the wild ghostly beasts, I do laugh at those who say they can banish a spirit with a few words, trust me I've tried it.  It doesn't always work so well.

Know your enemy I always say. 

I was eight when we moved to our new house in San Diego, California. Pulling up to the house I remember thinking, it's cute.  Then an overwhelming feeling came over me, like something was looking at me.  I remember getting out of the car and looking around but not the kind of looking around in wonderment of the new, sunny surroundings.  I was looking around because someone was watching me.  Then I saw him, he was an elderly man wearing an old dusty black suit jacket and black pants and a wide brim black "work" hat.  The kind they used to wear while working farms way back in the day.

He was standing half way down the opposite side of the street, watching.  The really creepy thing he did was tip his hat at me.  I slightly smiled at him and went on up the steps, when I turned back he was gone.......welcome to thunder dome as I always said.

The first night my brothers and I had to sleep on army cots dad had picked up until all our stuff arrived, it was not a comfortable night and the spirits let me know they were around right away.

I was sound asleep, I got up for my nightly walk to get a drink of water (I swear I've been doing it for fourty years now) when I heard faint music playing.  It was not the regular music of the early 70's this sounded like something you'd hear from a music box.

I was standing in the kitchen and suddenly smelled horses, like I was in a stall, I could smell food and smoke and a wet, dusty hay and canvas.  I looked around and saw men and women milling about all dressed in what I would come to find, early 1800's fashion.  The women were wearing gowns and the men wearing the military garb of the day.  I remember seeing the long swords, guns and wooden boxes.

I was almost immediately accosted by a woman in a beautiful yellow ball gown with dark brown hair, put up in curls and ringlets.  She grabbed my arm, I could feel the force of it as she propelled me backward telling me, "You shouldn't be here". Her tone was more like she couldn't understand how I was there but I was leaving asap.

I found myself wide awake looking out the kitchen window only seeing the backyard.  I would over the next thirty-eight years of living in the house find myself staring out that same window, wondering what the hell that was and how did it happen. 

But that wasn't the only experience, things went from that's cool to down right.....get me the f*ck out of here before I kill you. 

We didn't talk about the activity for a few years.  Things would go missing when you knew you put them in the same place.  Pictures would fall off walls, doors would open or slam shut.  The tv would turn on and off.  You would get hit in the head by cabinet doors, groped in the shower.  Hear voices talking.  Sometimes many at once, sometimes just one.

As I got older I started taking back.  I would talk to what I believe was a little girl named Sammi.  I later got an EVP where she told me her mother told her to stay there.  I find that hard to believe but who knows. I would talk to a Lt. who was always, Just passing through Ma'am.  There was an old Indian who sat in the corner of the back yard, just watching.

I found that the house had been a rental before Dad bought it and no one stayed in it for more than a couple months.  So, I went on a mission to find out about the house.  At this time the only reputable people in the Ghost Hunting business were Hans Holzer and The Warrens, I was pretty much on my own to learn. There was no social media where you could ask questions in hopes of getting answers. No tv shows, radios shows.  Ghosts where something you only talked about if you were a nutjob and forget about proof.  No one cared about getting proof, except Hans Holzer.  I loved reading his books (Mom had them all) and she never stopped me from reading them.

I was off and learning about spirit activity and with each new encounter in and out of the house I would be on an adventure to figure out how to deal with it. 

Over the years I have spent time in the desert with Native American Shaman. Traveled to Haiti and Brazil to learn about VooDoo and Santeria.  Lived in Italy and traveled with Gypsies learning how to read tarot cards.  I learned from Pagans and Wicca, spells, scrying, protection. 

I learned from Satanists the nature of demons, who/what they are and how to push them back (more on that later).  I learned from the catholic church how to do an exorsism (not that it always works)  I became a non-denominational minister, a card carrying member of the church of satan (no not a practicing).  I have gained experience/insight into the dark worlds of Vampires and the like.

I've learned about chrystals, healing, protection, using them to call the spirits, which I do not recommend unless you can handle it mentally and physically. Using salt, sage, lemon, and other things takes practice and  It's a rough world, the darkness, you do not want to live there and it's not always ok to visit. 

I NEVER tell anyone to do what I do.  I have my battle scars both mentally and real scars on my body from the attacks.  I always say, do not poke the sleeping bear unless you want to be eaten, now that's what I say but in all fairness, the demon poked first and I'm guessing it thought I would just roll over.

1st Encounter

As a child you are naïve as to what goes on in this huge, wide open world.  You depend on your parents to protect and take care of you.

I'm not saying my parents didn't take care of me, they did and in spades.  My father was in the military so I grew up all over the world.  I travelled around the world, living in exotic locales, sometimes with not so exotic people.

I grew up a sensitive.  Children do not try to understand why the man is under the bed, it scares them.  Me, I wasn't scared.  I wasn't scared of the boogyman, I went on pulled that closet door open and confronted him.  Told him to leave me alone.  That was mostly taught to me by my Mom, who is also a sensitive but the kind who knows when/how you die.

I'm more of the type that the spirits talk to me, constantly.  All day everyday, it's like static running in the background.  When I sit real still and quite hey come and talk. Even demons have a story.

The first spirit encounter I recall, to this day wasn't a scary one.

I was four years old living in the Philippines with my Mom, Dad and two brothers.  It was a blast, I could constantly run around with no shoes in shorts and tank tops playing in the sun chasing monkeys.  I was a kid, that's what kids are suppose to do, right?

There were the nights I would see a white cat on the window sill, weaving it's way around the stuff on the countertop, No one in the neighborhood had a white cat.  I didn't know to question that, I would just at times try to pet it and it would vanish, cool trick a three and a half year old would think.

We moved from our house in Subic Bay to officers quarters in Cubi Point.  That's when the actual human spirit activity started.

The house was up the hill from the base with a rain forest/jungle across the street.  I was to share a room with my little brother and my mom put my baby brother in the smaller bedroom. 

She would find my brother and I tossing a plastic ball back and fourth, giggling and laughing when it bounce back at us from across the room without hitting a wall.  It wasn't a huge deal to her that her kids where playing with ghosts.

I was soon moved to the smaller bedroom because as my Mom says, The baby would scream all night every time he was in that room.  Then there is me, I never had a problem.  Sure I would get up and find my dresser rifled through.  Everything all over the room, including all my stuffed animals off the walls.

I would tell my Mom, I saw a ghost do it and she would huff and make me clean it all up.  I figured she thought I helped, Until one day.  Mom was standing at the door watching me clean up the mess and all of a sudden the open drawer came flying out, landing on my foot.  Lost a big toe nail that day and that was the first in a long line of battle scars from spirits, the damn nail still doesn't grow right.

There was one spirit I would talk to almost nightly.  We were in the Philippines at the very end (clean up stage) of the Vietnam war so there were TONS of spirit activity.  The bus carrying the wounded and dead soldiers would pass our house all day and night.  When traffic at the main gate was heavy or backed up the busses would be on the street and you could actually hear the moaning and screams of the injured men as they were being taken to the hospital.

He was a man wearing army green.  Nightly he would sit in the chair nearest the door.  For some reason I would get up nightly to get a drink of water (something I still do) and there he'd be, one leg flung over the arm, his metal helmet on his knee.

At first I just thought he was one of my Dad's men he'd brought home and they were working (as my dad did often) all night long.

But he would be there almost every night, same clothes, same position and would say the same thing, I want to go home.

I did not understand what he meant.  To me it was ok, then go home.  I had no clue at four he was asking for help.  For his spirit to be released so he could, go home. It still makes me sad to think I allowed him to stagnate for five years, waiting.

Until we moved back to the states, to San Diego, California and the worst damn house I'd ever lived in, not the worst I've ever been in, but it taught me a lot about spirits and demons and the difference between the demons that can do physical harm and those who are the lower demon, who can just irritate you into doing things because they get off on it.  That house would send me around the world again, searching for ways to cope, deal, get rid of.

It is a daily learning experience, and they still talk, daily.  Even demons have story to tell and there has been one who never left, he's around.  I can feel his red eyes on my back to this day, asking me what I want.  Waiting for the opportunity for me to take him up on his offer.