Tuesday, August 19, 2014

8/19/2014 Garage Investigation

So I decided to try investigating in the garage after getting out of the car yesterday and hearing a little girl's voice.

I set up a couple things, a Homedics sound machine, which is my low rent version of a SB7 Spirit Box since I can't really afford a real one.
A magnetic pendulum ball which it is said spirits can move using the magnetic energy.

The ball shook very lightly for a short time during the tape, you can barely see it but the funny thing was not the ball moving, it was the words captured on the Ghost Radar iPhone app,


The funny word was upon asking the spirit to move the ball it asks for Cookies. So the question becomes since we all know kids love cookies is the spirit that of a little girl or is it something older/bigger using the voice of a little girl to get attention?

The other two words near the end of the tape were,

When I told the spirit not to be a creeper and creep up behind me it says, Didn't and when I felt the hair on my left arm stand up I make note of the spirit and it says, Attach. That is were I ended the taping for the time being.

Link to video http://youtu.be/K87nXbjWwfg

The important part is not really that I got any captures it's that I got responses to things I said or questions I asked which in turn signifies intelligent spirits/hauntings.  I know some disagree, but, oh well, nothing I can do if they get nothing.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

8/16/2014 Investigation

So, I thought I would do a little experiment and use the Ghost Adventures show and Zak Bagans voice.   Since they have said the spirits don't like them I thought maybe if I did an investigation while one of the shows were on and see what happens.

I started by sitting on the couch watching Ghost Adventures with the Ghost Radar app on my iPhone on and it was giving some pretty good words.  Stronger, Element.  Well, with that I got the video camera and figured I'd tape these words.  As soon as I started taping the word was Feed and I told the spirits they could not feed on me, sure enough my video went dead, it was a fully charged battery and in less than a second it was black.

I took the camera and iPhone into my office and started again after plugging the camera into the charger (video here http://youtu.be/4lW2NX0y66c ).

Photo of burn mark available.

There wasn't a whole lot of activity so I tried getting a little more aggressive by telling the spirits to knock, what's wrong, you're being rude.......the last word for the night, when I said show me you're here was, Fine!

I felt a very cold feeling go down my left side, from the shoulder to the knee, the hair was standing on end then suddenly it felt like someone touched my left elbow with a live electrical wire, over and over.  Pretty sure the spirit thought that was funny because as soon as I said stop, it did. 

I feel like I got run over by a bus this morning and it's weird that with the small amount of energy from the video camera battery that a spirit can do that or was it drawing energy from other things in the room.

I know it looks funny and I laughed afterward but it really felt painful.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Night and Black Entities

So, I have gotten pretty used to seeing the dark/black entities who peek out from around corners and the occasional one who will try to stand in front of me and challenge me but last night was super weird.

I was coming home from work and what had been a very quiet night turned upside down I an instant when a women who'd been stabbed in the neck by her boyfriend came in.  Well, On the drive home I turned into our parko (Italian for group of houses) and movement drew my eye to the right side of the car as I slowly went around the corner toward the house.

It was a black mass, but this wasn't just a mass of black or darkness this looked like it was a flowing cape, like it was riding something but there was nothing under it.  It was just flying.  It came up and over the one group of houses, dipped down into the dry lake area used for overflow in winter and back up over the next group of houses.

I'm not sure what it was doing.  The woman in the ER survived so, what this mass was doing flying around the area is really weird.

But over the last month I've seen more than the share of black masses/entities I want to see.  Since the construction company has started digging/building for the new homes on the court side of the parko.

Seeing this didn't scare me, I more wanted to get out of the car and see if it came at me but it being after midnight in a bad hood, I didn't want to get out.

Now, that said black masses and entities aren't always demons.  It usually signals negative energy
and this mass was one hell of a lot of negative energy.  Had this thing looked at me with red eyes I would have been out of the car like a flash, even in a war zone. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Weird Experience

As a kid my Mother taught me how to meditate in order to remain calm on airplanes as we travelled a LOT and were on and off planes quite a bit, some places weren't as hospitable as the USA.

I have always known about astral projection and have even experienced it twice in my entire life.  That's because the meditation it takes to get your astral body or energy to leave the physical body is a tough nut to crack and it's always said anyone attempting to reach the astral plane should never be woken or touched in anyway because if you somehow break the tether to the physical body the spirit dies. 

I recently had the weirdest experience.  There has only been one person (who shall forever remain nameless) that has appeared to me in astral form and it was done as an experiment for this person to see if they could do it. I saw that all that is said about seeing someone on their astral form is in fact like time stands still for a spilt second, and a second for a peek is all you get.

I was at work last week and it was a rather busy night, I wasn't thinking about too much and mind you you can not enter into the astral plane while wide awake so......keep that in mind.

I came around the corner and for a spilt second all time stopped.  I could not hear or see anything but this person standing at the counter, looking directly at me ( I will never tell who it was, that person knows).  I could not move and it felt like I had been enveloped in some sort of extremely calm energy.

I can not tell you how fast this was, within the blink of an eye it all stopped and this person was gone. No, I am not in the least bit crazy.

My question is now, can the living astral project to "see" what they want to.  I have been told if you want an answer and meditate on it.  I mean then the question, why would someone want to find me LOL

Just one of the weird things people involved in the Occultist world can do and I say that because everyone I have met who can do this was an Occultist.

It's funny because the actual experience didn't throw/scare me, the reasoning behind it is what throws me.

Friday, August 8, 2014

A Paranormal Counselor

Most people tend to not understand being  sensitive.  How you go about talking to the dead.  Well, I don't talk to them every single day and I usually nine times out of ten do not get to choose when/if they speak, wish I did.  I would get a lot deeper/more sleep if it were my choice.

Like I've said before my first experience of talking to the dead was at four years old and it came and went until I was fourteen, since the age of fourteen I haven't had much choice, except when my father passed away.  I lost all ability to sense anything for about two years, which was very weird and why I have no clue. 

I meditated, asked questions, used all the tools I was taught and nothing. It was a strange thing but....Now it's over and they come calling again.   I have spirits talking almost constantly, like they are lining up at the door and constantly chatter.  Every once in a while one will speak louder.

I call myself a "paranormal counselor" because for many years as I tried to figure out what was going on there was no one except shaman who could try to explain it.  Now I like to try to put myself out there because as someone who isn't involved in an investigative team I'm not likely to know anything about the cases or clients.

I have people who contact me and I ONLY work by referral from a paranormal team/group that I know and can investigate before taking a case. I do require that one member of the referring team be present (because you know the story).  I do not require to know what the teams thoughts are ie: if it is demon activity, poltergeist etc... I will require to now if anyone in the location is under psychiatric care/takes medications, if there have been any sort of what might be mental breaks, threats to members of the location by living and that sort of thing and all interviews are videotaped.

You ask, what does a paranormal counselor do?

I am mainly a resource for clients.  I may be a sensitive but I can investigate as well and have.  I can direct those who are having problems to investigators I know will do the right thing because you can't just pick up the phone and call the ghost adventure crew LOL 

I will assist with cleansing (which we will talk about another time).  The use of various objects, crystals and the like.  I assist mentally/spiritually and will assist in trying everything we can in order for the client to remain in their home/business.  I teach how to sage, salt. About oils, stone work and sometimes speak with the spirits to try to figure out what their needs/wants are.

As much as I would love to help everyone I can only work by referral from a known paranormal investigative team.  No, I do not charge and I can not guarantee the avenues we take to assist will help but it may give a better idea of what's going on.

It's a weird thing but after years of trying to solve my own hauntings, attachment, encounters and not getting help or having so called investigators never return calls, never show up or tell me without photos, video/evp they can't do anything I learned on my own and pay it forward as I have been taught by the shaman who taught me.

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Equipment to Chase Demons

Ok, so you wanna be a ghost hunter.  What's the first thing you do?

Spend a few hundred on a spirit box? Buy some rem pods? Get that cool new computer program that shows spirits in stick figure. (which is actually pretty cool) and break into the local, about to be demolished nut house.

Sure all of the electronic equipment in the world can help you verify, record and show spirit activity or an actual spirit. Orbs, Mists, cold spots (if you want to invest something like 1,900 to 20k on a thermal).  Better make sure you add lots of extra batteries to the list because most of that equipment can get sucked dry quick enough.

I always like to tell people, if you can't get in touch with your feelings then you aren't going to catch spirits, period.  Because there is nothing that can gage a room like YOU.

Your body can detect the temperature changes in a room much faster, easier than any thermal imaging camera, the camera is just the product by which you show proof. But there are other ways your body detects spirit activity.

Your eyes can actually adjust to the darkness enough to make out shadows, movement. The hair on your arms/neck is a long standing way of sensing electrical changes in a location.

I'm a firm believer that you do not need all the fancy stuff to hunt.  All you really need are the guts to make it through the night in some locations. 

You need the guts to use your body.  I'm not all for allowing the spirits to use your energy in order to manifest because there are ways you can get them to without that and the reason is, you can end up severely drained and unable to fight off a demon if one is hanging back.  Demons will usually use lower spirits to get hold of you.  Once you allow these lower entities to take control, they sap the energy so you can not fight back, thus allowing the demon or other entity to take hold. I've seen the Ghost Adventures Crew do this on more than one occasion and I usually yell at the TV about how nuts they are but....having been in that scenario, it's a hella rush and you better be able to get whatever it is to back off.

I personally use the old fashioned stuff.  Crystals, Oils, Salt, Sage, spells, chants, depending on the type of spirit/demon you want to invoke to your location.  I even have a spirit box.  I use a twenty dollar homedics sound maker from Wal-Mart set on white noise and I'll tell you, I HAVE gotten some pretty good EVPs from it.  Although, I must admit I'd love to use a spirit box, seems so much easier to tell what's being said.

How does the old stuff do the job?

Well, you are pretty much relying on your body as your number one tool and I advocate learning
how to use your body because when push comes to shove your body/mind is what's going to take the beating.

I will always stand by the fact that in the real world of the paranormal it is not like tv and you need to know how to defend yourself.  An exorcism isn't always going to work and it should be one of the last things you try because in a true possession an exorcism can kill someone.  Make friends of the Witches/Warlocks, The Satanists, The God Fearing, like the old saying goes, keep your friends close but your enemies closer, the demon is your enemy and all the fancy equipment in the world will only document your ass kicking.

Being more open by eating & living more healthy

I'm often asked, why do you eat that it looks gross.  Well, I was eating a caprese sandwich and to some that might look gross, it's not.

But for sensitives it is important to not eat junk food, if you can help it.  Junk food is so prevalent in US society and it is hard to get all natural, unless you grow it yourself.  Processed foods are not only bad for you if you aren't a sensitive they are really bad if you are.


Because your body is not made to process overly processed foods. It blocks your natural energy, your Chi.  Too much sugar (which carbs become sugar) which is processed by your liver and excreated by the kidneys causes kidney stones and a fatty liver.  Plain and simple, most doctors will not get into this with you and I have run across very few dieticians who don't call lunch a slim fast and a cigarette.

I've found that if I eat any fast food I become very sluggish, my brain and body do not pick up on the feelings I need to pick up on in order to sense the spirits.  Ok, Ok some might say, have a big mac to shut them up.  I could but, after years of eating healthy and even going so far as to grown my own stuff (not meat)it's hard for my body to eat even white, processed sugar.  It doesn't know what to do.

The cleaner, more healthy you eat the more open to the spirits you become. 

Exercise is also very important.  I target cardio and muscles.  I also do pilates, which help me meditate during the exercises because I'm focused on what the muscles feel like.  Running for an hour on the treadmill helps clear my head. I'm not saying you have to run or run for an hour, I had to work myself up to running and I still have people look at me funny.

If you are going to chase/hunt demons or any kind of spirits you seriously need to have the mental, physical, and spiritual awareness of what is going on and that starts with knowing your own body and sex is a whole other thing.

I get ask a lot and I guess a lot of people wonder and are comfortable asking LOL What about sex?

Well, you can have sex but the more involved in the spirit world you get the less important sex becomes.  I've heard that many who go through the "change" as I've heard it called become less concerned with having sex but if you are in a good relationship with someone who either is also involved or has a very good understanding the sex is better than ever.  You are able to "feel" more of what comes down to emotion.

You aren't having sex and crying, you are just more in tune to what is going on.  It becomes deeper and has more meaning.  I have been told that abstaining from sex and meditating for a number of days before an investigation opens you up more and I have found this to be true.  It may not be true for everyone but then again I learned to meditate in Nepal.

If you are serious about spirits and knowing their realm you have to be willing to walk the line between the living and the dead.  Not be dead or dying but understand how to open yourself to that world.  Doing so, I've witnessed shaman call/contact spirits from other places not just where they are.  Like dying, living is a process and you can contact the dead, you just have to be willing to do the work and not act like it's a dog & pony show.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Spirit Energy & the Dead

I've worked in healthcare for almost 20 years, in mostly an emergency room setting.  I've seen more than my share of people die. 

It's a rough business and people always ask, how do you handle it and I always say. I leave it at the back door.  On the drive home I crank up the music, sing or car dance to let it go.

We do everything we can to save human life.  Does the energy change in the room when the person passes. You bet it does.  It's becomes such a heavy atmosphere of sadness, grief and not understanding.  We don't know how to do everything and sometimes the body just stops.

It's hard to explain.  It's not an atmosphere for everyone and like hunting spirits It can be depressing if you let it.  I'm not saying it doesn't effect  us because it does, on many levels but we have to distance ourselves from the feelings.

I've been told by any number of boyfriends and just friends that I am cold and distant sometimes.  Well, sorry I'll agree with that, I can be.  When you are on top of a gurney doing chest compressions for 10-15-30 minutes and nothing helps the person passes away you learn to except we all have our time.  Our number is in a book somewhere and what you do in this life is what matters.

You have to make this life count to you, what others think  about you or how you live is their opinion and everyone has one.  I learned to live and be happy with myself and my gift.  It is SO SO very hard to work in an environment where there is the chance to deal directly with the dead fresh everyday and there have been times when a newly dead spirit has tried to jump me at work.

There was once where I was working the psych unit, I was leaving working after a 12 hour shift, standing and waiting at the elevator, alone when all of a sudden this black mass came at me, enveloping me. I yelled at it to get off me while it laughed.  I jumped into the elevator and I swear to this day, it stood right at the door, like it couldn't go any farther laughing at me.

The next day one of the nurses asked me what happened, I told her and she laughed and told me I'd met so and so.  He had been a patient and hated everyone and would do that if he could get close enough to someone.  So I learned to carry my bag of chrystals, meditate and find ways to explain spirits.  Why are they here, why can some see/feel them and others can't.  Are we born to be sensitive to the afterlife?

Friday, August 1, 2014

The Berserkers & Chaos

The human type Berserker is known from Norse legends.  The soldiers who would work themselves into such a frenzy they just killed.  Soaked in blood and half dead themselves they would keep going.

Paranormal Berserkers are sort of them only they are spirits.  They can be spirits from psych patients whose energy was so messed up they died insane.  That energy just remains chaotic.

The feeling one gets from the chaotic spirit is one of flashes of energy. Like that of a lighting strike, fast and furious and that's the way it's suppose to be.  That's how the human berserkers got their name. There are also legend of berserkers who can change form, they work themselves up so much they can change into a wolf.

That is what's know as a Mental Shifter.  Now, there are several forms of shifters out there.
The paranormal is a lot deeper than any TV show glosses over. It can be a very dangerous place and once you see one of these shifter do their work or watch berserkers energy flow through a location you might think nothing can scare you.

You'd be wrong........

Mental Shifter is someone who can throw energy in your direction and make you see what they see. It's a pretty awesome thing to do, learn but it takes a hard shell, the energy can throw you off balance quite a bit.

There are Shape Shifters, people who you see as human one moment and another form the next.  They aren't actually changing form but allowing you to see who/what they are in spirit form.  This is what a true demon uses to mask what they are.  True demons use this tactic and usually appear as a small child, something innocent to gain your trust.

The types of berserker varies as well.  You can have just the energy the living expels from being in such an insane state that they are just berserk.

There is the pure energy that is known as a berserkers.  Now this is just, again a chaotic spirit who just passed away because that is usually when the berserk energy happens.

Then there is what a Witch/Warlock can throw at you, there are several different types of Chaos energy.  They can call a Chaos sprite, something that can be found all over Europe.  Or just your plain old Chaos spell.  This spell makes you feel like you are out of it, off balance.  You can not figure out why you just feel like shit. 

This spell can only last a short amount of time and is usually used to throw someone off and forget they came in contact with a witch/warlock or saw them doing something, like shift.

A chaos spell should actually never be used against the living, it can cause heart attacks, mental breaks and other side effects.  The Chaos spell is firmly to dispatch a naughty or evil spirit. It causes an energy break within the spirits energy.  When used properly you may actually see something akin to lighting.  It will be fast bursts of light, disorganized so not in balls/orbs, although a witch can throw balls of light. 

These are things, if you are a true sensitive must learn to work through and they are all possible not only in your daily contacts with the living but anytime you walk into a location.